• Internships: expansion of the offer and opportunities, improvement of applications that help manage the process and the related quality control. 
  • Career advice and placement services: overall enhancement with a particular focus on online services and social media as well as on the collaboration with Almae matris Alumni Association; setting up of networking and recruiting events for students/graduates of the University of Bologna with the HR departments of prominent employers to help matching supply and demand on the job market (Career Days and Jobincontra, Informal networking); increasing student's active role through challenges and the setting of meetings with prestigious companies to discuss case studies.
  • Inter-disciplinary skills: inclusion of topics relevant to the world of work and workplace induction in the programme catalogue, as part of the "inter-disciplinary skills” project.
  • Coordinated guidance actions to help future students make conscious decisions and provide them with support, reducing drop-outs thanks to Guidance and Tutorial service Plans (“POT”), Scientific Degree Plan (PLS), Programmes for Transferable skills and Guidance (“PCTO” former work-related learning). Involvement of secondary schools to co-plan initiatives and relation models that have proved to have a significant impact on learning. Meetings with graduates who work for local companies, training courses for teachers, informative initiatives for students and teachers of secondary schools and universities, open also to the public.

References to the strategic plan

  • O.3.1 - Improve the skills acquired during the degree programmes in order to facilitate the entry of graduates into the world of work
  • O.5.3 - Improve the career guidance for incoming, resident and outgoing students, taking into consideration the specific needs of the students

References to un goals