Development of tools for the creation of websites on demand, to support the initiatives of structures and those of the general administration areas. 

Development of web-based systems to support the actions envisaged in the strategic plan, including the platform for open data, support systems for contests among students and for open innovation.

Extension and improvement of the use of social media by the University and the structures, in order to facilitate development of the Alma Mater community, strengthen institutional communications and support specific strategic objectives.

References to the strategic plan

  • O.7.2 - Involve teachers, students and TA staff in the design and implementation of scientific popularization and cultural education initiatives and the co-production of knowledge, not least for the younger members of the school-age population
  • O.7.3 - Promote professional knowledge of our graduates and personnel, in order to develop networks and synergies between the University and society, also by creating the Alma Mater Alumni Network

References to un goals