The Historical Seat already exists as a Cultural and Creative District, but needs to be clarified, strengthened and communicated. This is the starting point of ROCK (H2020), a European project that does not treat Cultural Heritage as a heavy stone, witness of values consolidated over time and beneficiary of onerous support, but rather as the constantly evolving best result of actions to transform the city. The cultural reference model calls for constant efforts to recognise the city, and the way it evolves, as a valuable shared asset, requiring an uninterrupted flow of conservation efforts and innovation, with the permanent involvement - alongside heritage experts - of all actors who, with different responsibilities and levels of awareness, contribute actively and passively to urban transformation. Within this framework, the Historical Seat will become a laboratory for testing, co-design and co-production activities.

References to the strategic plan

  • O.8.2 - Promote the social sustainability of the University community and society as a whole

References to un goals