• Start Up-day: annual event that brings together and facilitates contacts between students with entrepreneurial ideas. During this event, students can present their ideas and interact with other students who have complementary skills, experts, entrepreneurs, associations and local supporting bodies. 
  • Launch-pad: initiative dedicated to PhD students and research fellows for the selection of research ideas with commercial potential. The projects are included in an acceleration programme designed to develop a business plan and an entrepreneurial team. On completion of all the projects, the students who developed the most promising projects, selected by a jury of experts, will be able to complete their training with some experience in Silicon Valley.
  • Entrepreneurial Start-up Programme (PdAI): service for students and new graduates that supports the creation of entrepreneurial teams. The PdAI includes a listening and idea selection phase, which is carried out via a desk dedicated to the creation of teams and the provision of entrepreneurial training focused on the development of business plans.

References to the strategic plan

  • O.3.1 - Improve the skills acquired during the degree programmes in order to facilitate the entry of graduates into the world of work
  • O.6.1 - Strengthen the socio-economic impact at the regional, national and international level via entrepreneurship projects and University-business initiatives

References to un goals