• Coordinated orientation actions to help future students make conscious decisions and provide them with support with the aim of reducing drop-outs thanks to Guidance Tutoring Plans (POT), Scientific Degree Plan (PLS), Programmes for Transferable Skills and Guidance (PCTO, former work-related learning). Involvement of secondary schools, thanks to orientation reference teachers, to plan joint orientation initiatives together.
  • MyAlmaOrienta: orientation app to help future students to learn more about the programme catalogue and the multicampus services offered by the University and provide them with information about orientation initiatives
  • AlmaOrienta, Open day orientation events, extended to international students and Second Cycle/Two Year Master's Degree students.
  • Continued guidance: to support students who have difficulty staying aligned with their degree programme and reduce the number of dropouts, interventions by "pedagogic" and "discipline" tutors (the former focusing on motivation and study methods, the latter to help fill in any knowledge gaps) will be introduced.

References to the strategic plan

  • O.3.2 - Consolidate timely student progress in their studies, while respecting strict evaluation procedures
  • O.4.1 - Attract talented students, including through specific career guidance activities
  • O.4.2 - Increase the number of talented international students and diversify their geographical catchment area
  • O.5.3 - Improve the career guidance for incoming, resident and outgoing students, taking into consideration the specific needs of the students

References to un goals